SDNP Climate Change Webinar
Warnford Village
Dear All,
As you will see below, the South Downs National Park (SDNP) hopes to set up a networking list of those already taking action and those interested to know what they might do so that groups can be in direct touch with each other. A webinar is arranged for Wednesday at 18.30. Details for joining are below, and the agenda is attached. The South Downs National Park is keen to help local communities with initiatives to address climate change, as appears in the following message from SDNP:
Parish Council Members on the National Park Authority are keen to help as many communities as possible address climate change challenges. To help with this aim they want to improve ways in which communities can share ideas, actions and help each other with next steps. In some places Parish Councils may be initiating and steering climate change activities but elsewhere it can often be a separate community group of volunteers. It is hoped that this initiative will enable common interests to be explored and good practices to be shared – helping communities within the National Park to help each other.
Please do not hesitate to contact Lucy or me with any questions, and If you don’t mind, do let us know if you attend and your thoughts on the event.
Kind regards,
Joining Instructions:
The webinar will go live on YouTube at 18:30 and can be accessed using this link:
There is no limit on numbers, and no requirement to book beforehand. The webinar will be recorded and will be available to view at any time afterwards using the same link.
Topic: Climate Change Date: Wednesday 13 July 2022 Time: 18:30 – 20:00
1. Welcome and Introduction (18:30-18:35) Richard Waring – South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) Parish Member
2. South Downs Climate Change Action Plan (18:35-18:45) Chris Fairbrother – SDNPA Climate Change Lead An overview of the SDNPA’s Climate Change Action Plan
3. How communities can set up a community energy group (18:45-19:00) Catriona Cockburn – Energise South Downs
4. Case Studies of existing community climate change projects (19:00-19:30)
5. Support available for communities (19:30-19:40) Ollie Pendered – Community Energy South
6. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) (19:40-19:50) How CIL could be used to help fund climate action community projects
7. Round Up (19:50-20:00) Richard Waring – SDNPA Parish Member
8. Close (20:00)
Contact Information
Mark Rogers
Find Warnford Village
To be confirmed, Warnford, Southampton, Hampshire, SO32 3LE